Monday, 31 October 2016

Initial Plans for my Magazine

In today's lesson, I have made the following decisions and initial plans for my music magazine.

Price:  I have decided that my magazine is going to be priced at £3.99. This is because it is a reasonable price according to other professional magazines.

Frequency of publication: Monthly, because most of my magazines that I have researched are published monthly.

Average Issue Size: The average issue size of my magazine will be 100 pages.

Regular Content: The regular content for my magazine is going to be things like: Hot new artists, gig guide , subscriptions and reviews.

Feature Content: The feature contents in my magazine is going to be things such as: feature articles of the artist, top 40 and competitions.

Researching the Market Place

Today, I researched 3 different Indie Magazines that could be potential competitors for my music magazine.

Initial Ideas

My initial idea is to produce an Indie magazine with the target audience of anyone from the age 17-30. This will engage anyone that interested in this genre and that will enjoy learning more about Indie music and finding shows to attend.

Evaluation of School Magazine

Monday, 17 October 2016

GIF Maker Post

In today's lesson we took pictures around the school in order to get an idea of what we would like inside our school magazine. We then downloaded the pictures to the computer, picked certain ones that we liked and then made them into a GIF using GIF Maker. 

Friday, 14 October 2016

Plans for Preliminary Exercise

In today's lesson I planned out my magazine front cover and contents page, some of the features on the front cover include: Masthead, Main Image in medium-close up shot, the main cover line and the other cover lines. After having set out my plan I sketched how my front cover will look. After that, I planned out how the contents page would look, considering the images I would use to promote the articles. I also had to plan out a list of regular content for the magazine as well as 10 feature articles. After planning this out I sketched up a rough idea of what the contents page would look like.