Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Publication Plan

Publication Plan

Title: Indie Vibe

I chose the masthead ‘Indie Vibe’ because I think it is relevant to the genre. It also portrays the type of music the magazine will be focusing on.

Positioning Statement: Listen to the music you want to hear.

Frequency Publication: Monthly

I chose to publish my magazine monthly as most professional magazines are published monthly and also from my research most people chose the ‘monthly’ option.

Price: £3.99

I chose this price for my magazine because according to my questionnaire results, £3.99 was the most reasonable price to sell the magazine at.

Distribution: Supermarkets, Newsagents, Airports, Music Stores and Gig venues.

I have chose to distribute my magazine in these areas because this is where most people will be buying magazines if they are ever going to.

Rationale: The approach of this magazine will be for music fans. Inside the magazine we will state opinions and include exclusive interviews

Style: The style will be informal throughout my magazine. The magazine is aimed at all indie music listeners. I am going to be using slang, short paragraphs and simple vocabulary to relate with the audience.

Regular Content:
Editor’s Letter
Gig Guide
Album Reviews
Artist Interviews

Feature Content:
Top 40
Exclusive Band Interview
Top 10 upcoming artists

House Style:
Coverlines: Arial Narrow / Arial Black
Headlines: Franklin Gothic Demi
Standfirst: Franklin Gothic Demi
Captions: Franklin Gothic Demi
Features first paragraphs: Drop Capital in Arial Narrow and capitals.
New paragraph: First two words in bold capitals
Body Text: Microsoft Sans Serif
Colour Scheme: Black, White and Red.